Seven years ago drummer Steve Adler released his tell-all autobiography My Appetite for Destruction: Sex, and Drugs, and Guns N' Roses -- now it's his mom's turn.
Deanna Adler's Sweet Child Of Mine: How I Lost My Son to Guns N' Roses comes out January 24th. It's described by her publisher as an "unflinching account of her [son's] drug fueled ascent to becoming the co-founder of Guns N' Roses, and his subsequent fall to drugs and alcohol." They call it "one of the most brutally raw, revealing books written on substance abuse," and say that "Deanna delivers a powerful, inspirational message of hope to anyone dealing with opioid addition."
If you watched Steven struggle with his demons on Celebrity Rehab all those years ago, you may remember Deanna from an episode where she meets with him and his doctors to discuss unresolved issues between the two of them. Steven ended up storming out of it.